Tutorial: Creating Your Own Assistant

So you want to create your own assistant? There is nothing easier... They say that in all tutorials, right?

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating simple assistants of different roles - Creator, Modifier, Preparer.

This tutorial doesn’t cover everything. Consult Yaml Assistant Reference when you’re missing something you really need to achieve. If you think that DevAssistant misses some functionality that would be useful, open a bug at https://www.github.com/devassistant/devassistant/issues or send us a pull request.

Common Rules and Gotchas

Some things are common for all assistant types:

  • Each assistant is one Yaml file, that must contain exactly one mapping - the so-called assistant attributes:

    fullname: My Assistant
    description: This will be part of help for this assistant
  • You have to place them in a proper place, see DevAssistant Load Paths and Assistants Loading Mechanism.

  • Files (e.g. templates, scripts, etc.) used by assistant should be placed in the same load dir, e.g. if your assistant is placed at ~/.devassistant/assistants, DevAssistant will look for files under ~/.devassistant/files.

  • As mentioned in DevAssistant Load Paths, there are three main load paths in standard DevAssistant installation, “system”, “local” and “user”. The “system” dir is used for assistants delivered by your distribution/packaging system and you shouldn’t touch or add files in this path. The “local” path can be used by system admins to add system-wide assistants while not touching “system” path. Lastly, “user” path can be used by users to create and use their own assistants. It is up to you where you place your assistant, but “user” path is usually best for playing around and development of new assistants. It is also the path that we will use throughout these tutorials.

Creating a Simple Creator

The title says it all. In this section, we will create a “Creator” assistant, that means an assistant that will take care of kickstarting a new project. We will write an assistant that creates a project containing a simple Python script that uses argh Python module. Let’s suppose that we’re writing this assistant for an RPM based system like Fedora, CentOS or RHEL.

This assistant is a “creator”, so we have to put it somewhere into ~/.devassistant/assistants/crt/. Since the standard DevAssistant distribution has a python assistant, it seems logical to make this new assistant a subassistant of python. That means that the assistant file will be ~/.devassistant/assistants/crt/python/argh.yaml. It doesn’t matter that the python assistant actually lives in a different load path, DevAssistant will hook the argh subassistant properly anyway.

Setting it Up

So, let’s start writing our assistant by providing some initial metadata:

fullname: Argh Script Template
description: Create a template of simple script that uses argh library
project_type: [python]

If you now save the file and run da create python argh -h, you’ll see that your assistant was already recognized by DevAssistant, although it doesn’t provide any functionality yet. (Including project type in your Creator assistant is not necessary, but it may bring some benefits - see Project Types.


Now, we’ll want to add a dependency on python-argh (which is how the package is called e.g. on Fedora). You can do this just by adding:

- rpm: [python-argh]

Now, if you save the file and actually try to run your assistant with da create python argh, it will install python-argh! (Well, assuming it’s not already installed, in which case it will do nothing.) This is really super-cool, but the assistant still doesn’t do any project setup, so let’s get on with it.


Since we want the script to always look the same, we will create a file that our assistant will copy into proper place. This file should be put into into crt/python/argh subdirectory the files directory (~/.devassistant/files/crt/python/argh). The file will be called arghscript.py and will have this content:


from argh import *

def main():
    return 'Hello world'


We will need to refer to this file from our assistant, so let’s open argh.yaml again and add a files section:

  arghs: &arghs
    source: arghscript.py

DevAssistant will automatically search for this file in the correct directory, that is ~/programming/files/crt/pyargh. If an assistant has more subassistants, e.g. crt/pyargh/someassistant and these assistants need to share some files, it is reasonable to place them into ~/programming/files/crt/pyargh and refer to them with relative path like ../file.foo from the subassistants. Note, that the two arghs in arghs: &arghs should be the same because of issue 74.


Finally, we will be adding a run section, which is the section that does all the hard work. A run section is a list of commands. Every command is in fact a Yaml mapping with exactly one key and value. The key determines command type, while value is the command input. For example, cl is a command type that says that given input should be run on commandline, log_i is a command type that lets us print the input (message in this case) for user, etc.

Let’s start writing our run section:

- log_i: Hello, I'm Argh assistant and I will create an argh project for you.

But wait! We don’t know what the project should be called and where it should be placed... Before we finish the run section, we’ll need to add some arguments to our assistant.

Oh Wait, Arguments!

Creating any type of project typically requires some user input, at least name of the project to be created. To ask user for this sort of information, we can use DevAssistant arguments like this:

    flags: [-n, --name]
    required: True
    help: 'Name of project to create'

This means that this assistant will have one argument called name. On commandline, it will expect -n foo or --name foo and since the argument is required, it will refuse to run without it.

You can now try running da create python argh -h and you’ll see that the argument is printed out in commandline help.

Since there are some common arguments, the standard installation of DevAssistant ships with so called “snippets”, that contain (among other things) definitions of frequentyl used arguments. You can use name argument for Creator assistants like this:

    use: common_args

Note: up to version 0.8.0, “snippet” can also be used in place of “use”; “snippet” is obsolete and will be removed in 0.9.0.

Run Again

Now that we can obtain the desired name, let’s continue. Now that we have the project name (let’s assume that it’s an arbitrary path to a directory where the argh script should be placed), we can continue. First, we will make sure that the directory doesn’t already exist. If so, we need to exit, because we don’t want to overwrite or break something:

- log_i: Hello, I'm Argh assistant and I will create an argh project for you.
- if $(test -e "$name"):
  - log_e: '"$name" already exists, can't proceed.'

There are few things to note here:

  • There is a simple if condition with a shell command. If the shell command returns a non-zero value, the condition will evaluate to false, else it will evaluate to true. So in this case, if something exists at path "$name", the condition will evaluate to true.
  • In any command, we can use value of the name argument by prefixing argument name with $ (so $name or ${name}).
  • The log_e command type is used to print a message and then abort the assistant execution immediately.

Let’s continue by creating the directory. Add this line to run section:

- cl: mkdir -p "$name"

You may be wondering what will happen, if DevAssistant doesn’t have write permissions or more generally if the mkdir command just fails. In this case, DevAssistant will exit, printing the output of failed command for user.

Next, we want to copy our script into the directory. We want to name it the same as name of the directory itself. But what if directory is a path, not simple name? We have to find out the project name and remember it somehow:

- $proj_name~: $(basename "$name")

What just happened? We assigned output of command basename "$name" to a new variable proj_name that we can use from now on. Note the ~ at the end of $proj_name~. This is called execution flag and it says that the command input should be executed as an expression, not taken as a literal. See Expressions for detailed expressions reference.

Note: the execution flag makes DevAssistant execute the input as a so-called “execution section”. The input can either be a string, evaluated as an expression, or a list of commands, evaluated as another “run” section.

So let’s copy the script and make it executable:

- cl: cp *arghs ${name}/${proj_name}.py
- cl: chmod +x ${name}/${proj_name}.py

One more thing to note here: by using *arghs, we reference a file from the files section.

Now, we’ll use a super-special command:

- dda_c: "$name"

What is dda_c? The first part, dda stands for “dot devassistant file”, the second part, _c, says, that we want to create this file (there are more things that can be done with .devassistant file, see .devassistant Commands). The “command” part of this call just says where the file should be stored, which is directory $name in our case.

The .devassistant file serves for storing meta information about the project. Amongst other things, it stores information about which assistant was invoked. This information can later serve to prepare the environment (e.g. install python-argh) on another machine. Assuming that we commit the project to a git repository, one just needs to run da prepare custom -u <repo_url>, and DevAssistant will checkout the project from git and use information stored in .devassistant to reinstall dependencies. (There is more to this, you can for example add a custom run section to .devassistant file or add custom dependencies, but this is not covered by this tutorial (not even by reference, so I need to place TODO here to document it).)

Note: There can be more dependencies sections and run sections in one assistant. To find out more about the rules of when they’re used and how run sections can call each other, consult dependencies reference and run reference.

Something About Snippets

Wait, did we say git? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could setup a git repository inside the project directory and do an initial commit? These things are always the same, which is exactly the type of task that DevAssistant should do for you.

Previously, we’ve seen usage of argument from snippet. But what if you could use a part of run section from there? Well, you can. And you’re lucky, since there is a snippet called git_init_add_commit, which does exactly what we need. We’ll use it like this:

- cl: cd "$name"
- use: git_init_add_commit.run

This calls section run from snippet git_init_add_commit in this place. Note, that all variables are “global” and the snippet will have access to them and will be able to change their values. However, variables defined in called snippet section will not propagate into current section.

Note: up to version 0.8.0, “call” can also be used in place of “use”; “call” is obsolete and will be removed in 0.9.0.


It seems that everything is set. It’s always nice to print a message that everything went well, so we’ll do that and we’re done:

- log_i: Project "$proj_name" has been created in "$name".

The Whole Assistant

... looks like this:

fullname: Argh Script Template
description: Create a template of simple script that uses argh library
project_type: [python]

- rpm: [python-argh]

  arghs: &arghs
    source: arghscript.py

    use: common_args

- log_i: Hello, I'm Argh assistant and I will create an argh project for you.
- if $(test -e "$name"):
  - log_e: '"$name" already exists, cannot proceed.'
- cl: mkdir -p "$name"
- $proj_name~: $(basename "$name")
- cl: cp *arghs ${name}/${proj_name}.py
- cl: chmod +x *arghs ${name}/${proj_name}.py
- dda_c: "$name"
- cl: cd "$name"
- use: git_init_add_commit.run
- log_i: Project "$proj_name" has been created in "$name".

And can be run like this: da create python argh -n foo/bar.

Creating a Modifier

This section assumes that you’ve read the previous tutorial and are therefore familiar with DevAssistant basics. Modifiers are meant to modify existing projects, that means projects with .devassistant file (there is also an option to write assistant that modifies an arbitrary project without .devassistant, read on).

Modifier Specialties

The special behaviour of modifiers only applies if you use dda_r in pre_run section. This command reads .devassistant file from given directory and puts the read variables in global variable context, so they’re available from all the following dependencies and run section.

If modifier reads .devassistant file in pre_run section, DevAssistant tries to search for more dependencies sections to use. If the project was previously created by crt python django, the engine will install dependencies from sections dependencies_python_django, dependencies_python and dependencies.

Also, the engine will try to run run_python_django section first, then it will try run_python and then run - note, that this will only run the first found section and then exit, unlike with dependencies, where all found sections are used.