Welcome to DevAssistant documentation!

DevAssistant - making life easier for developers


This is documentation for version 0.8.0.

DevAssistant is developer’s best friend (right after coffee).

DevAssistant can help you with creating and setting up basic projects in various languages, installing dependencies, setting up environment etc. There are three main types of functionality provided:

  • da crt - create new project from scratch
  • da mod - take local project and do something with it (e.g. import it to Eclipse)
  • da prep - prepare development environment for an upstream project or a custom task

DevAssistant is based on idea of per-{language/framework/...} “assistants” with hierarchical structure. E.g. you can run:

$ da crt python django -n ~/myproject # sets up Django project named "myproject" inside your home dir
$ da crt python flask -n ~/flaskproject # sets up Flask project named "flaskproject" inside your home dir
$ da crt ruby rails -n ~/alsomyproject # sets up RoR project named "alsomyproject" inside your home dir

DevAssistant also allows you to work with a previously created project, for example import it to Eclipse:

$ da mod eclipse # run in project dir or use -p to specify path

With DevAssistant, you can also prepare environment for developing upstream projects - either using project-specific assistants or using “custom” assistant for arbitrary projects (even those not created by DevAssistant):

$ da prep custom custom -u scm_url

Warning: The custom assistant executes custom pieces of code from .devassistant file of the project. Therefore you have to be extra careful and use this only with projects whose authors you trust.

Last but not least, DevAssistant allows you to perform arbitrary tasks not related to a specific project:

DevAssistant works on Python 2.6, 2.7 and >= 3.3.

This whole project is licensed under GPLv2+.

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