Command Reference

This page serves as a reference for commands of the DevAssistant Yaml DSL. Every command consists of a command_type and command_input. After it gets executed, it sets the LAST_LRES and LAST_RES variables. These are also its return values, similar to Expressions logical result and result.

  • LAST_LRES is the logical result of the run - True/False if successful/unsuccessful
  • LAST_RES is the “return value” - e.g. a computed value

In the Yaml DSL, commands are called like this:

command_type: command_input

This reference summarizes commands included in DevAssistant itself in the following format:

command_type - some optional info

  • Input: what should the input look like?
  • RES: what is LAST_RES set to after this command?
  • LRES: what is LAST_LRES set to after this command?
  • Example: example usage

Missing something? Commands are your entry point for extending DevAssistant. If you’re missing some functionality in run sections, just write a command runner and send us a pull request.

Builtin Commands

There are three builtin commands that are inherent part of DevAssistant Yaml DSL:

  • variable assignment
  • condition
  • loop

All of these builtin commands utilize expressions in some way - these must follow rules in Expressions.

Variable Assignment

Assign result (and possibly also logical result) of Expressions to a variable(s).

$<var1>[, $<var2>] - if one variable is given, result of expression (command input) is assigned. If two variables are given, the first gets assigned logical result and the second result.

  • Input: an expression

  • RES: result of the expression

  • LRES: logical result of the expression

  • Example:

    $foo: "bar"
    - spam
    - spam
    - spam
    $bar: $baz
    $success, $list~: $(ls "$foo")


Conditional execution.

if <expression>, else - conditionally execute one or the other section (if can stand alone, of course)

  • Input: a subsection to run

  • RES: RES of last command in the subsection, if this clause is invoked. If not invoked, RES remains untouched.

  • LRES: LRES of last command in the subsection, if this clause is invoked. If not invoked, LRES remains untouched.

  • Example:

    if defined $foo:
    - log_i: Foo is $foo!
    - log_i: Foo is not defined!


A simple for loop.

for <var>[, <var>] [word_in,in] <expression> - loop over result of the expression. If word_in is used and <expression> is a string, it will be split on whitespaces and iterated over; with in, string will be split to single characters and iterated over. For iterations over lists and mappings, word_in and in behave the same. When iterating over mapping, two control variables may be provided to get both key and its value.

  • Input: a subsection to repeat in loop

  • RES: RES of last command of last iteration in the subsection. If there are no interations, RES is untouched.

  • LRES: LRES of last command of last iteration in the subsection. If there are no interations, RES remains untouched.

  • Example:

    for $i word_in $(ls):
    - log_i: File: $i
      1: one
      2: two
    for $k, $v in $foo:
    - log_i: $k, $v

Ask Commands

User interaction commands, let you ask for password and various other input.


  • Input: mapping containing prompt (short prompt for user) and message (a longer description of what the user should confirm)

  • RES: the confirmation (True or False)

  • LRES: same as RES

  • Example:

    - $confirmed~:
      - ask_confirm:
          message: "Do you think DevAssistant is great?"
          prompt: "Please select yes."


  • Input: mapping containing prompt (short prompt for user) and optionally message (a longer description)

  • RES: the string that was entered by the user

  • LRES: True if non-empty string was provided

  • Example:

    - $variable:
      - ask_input:
          prompt: "Your name"


  • Input: mapping containing prompt (short prompt for user)

  • This command works the same way as ask_input, but the entered text is hidden (displayed as bullets)

  • RES: the password

  • LRES: True if non-empty password was provided

  • Example:

    - $passwd:
      - ask_password:
          prompt: "Please provide your password"

Command Line Commands

Run commands in subprocesses and receive their output.

cl, cl_[i,r] (these do the same, but appending i logs the command output on INFO level and appending r runs command as root; appending p makes DevAssistant pass subcommand error, e.g. execution continues normally even if subcommand return code is non-zero)

  • Input: a string, possibly containing variables and references to files

  • RES: stdout + stdin interleaved as they were returned by the executed process

  • LRES: always True (if the command fails, the whole DevAssistant execution fails)

  • Example:

    cl: mkdir ${name}
    cl: cp *file ${name}/foo
    cl_i: echo "Hey!"
    cl_ir: echo "Echoing this as root"
    cl_r: mkdir /var/lib/foo
    $lres, $res:
    - cl_ip: cmd -this -will -log -in -realtime -and -save -lres -and -res -and -then -continue

Note: when using r, it’s job of DevAssistant core to figure out what to use as authentication method. Consider this an implementation detail.

A note on changing current working directory: Due to the way Python interpreter works, DevAssistant has to specialcase “cd <dir>” command, since it needs to call a special Python method for changing current working directory of the running interpreter. Therefore you must always use “cd <dir>” as a single command (do not use “ls foo && cd foo”); also, using pushd/popd is not supported for now.

Dependencies Command

Install dependencies from given command input.


  • Input: list of mappings, similar to Dependencies section, but without conditions and usage of sections from snippets etc.

  • RES: command input, but with expanded variables

  • LRES: always True (terminates DevAssistant if dependency installation fails)

  • Example:

    if $foo:
    - $rpmdeps: [foo, bar]
    - $rpmdeps: []
    - rpm: $rpmdeps

.devassistant Commands

Commands that operate with .devassistant file.

dda_c - creates a .devassistant file, should only be used in creator assistants

  • Input: directory where the file is supposed to be created

  • RES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • LRES: always empty string

  • Example:

    dda_c: ${path}/to/project

dda_r - reads an existing .devassistant file, should be used by modifier and preparer assistants.Sets some global variables accordingly, most importantly original_kwargs (arguments used when the project was created) - these are also made available with dda__ prefix (yes, that’s double underscore).

  • Input: directory where the file is supposed to be

  • RES: always empty string

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

    dda_r: ${path}/to/project

dda_w - writes a mapping (dict in Python terms) to .devassistant

  • Input: list with directory with .devassistant file as a first item and the mapping to write as the second item. Variables in the mapping will be substituted, you have to use $$foo (two dollars instead of one) to get them as variables in .devassistant.

  • RES: always empty string

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

    - ${path}/to/project
    - run:
      - $$foo: $name # name will get substituted from current variable
      - log_i: $$foo

dda_dependencies - installs dependencies from .devassistant file, should be used by preparer assistants. Utilizes both dependencies of creator assistants that created this project plus dependencies from dependencies section, if present (this section is evaluated in the context of current assistant, not the creator).

  • Input: directory where the file is supposed to be

  • RES: always empty string

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

    dda_dependencies: ${path}/to/project

dda_run - run run section from from .devassistant file, should be used by preparer assistants. This section is evaluated in the context of current assistant, not the creator.

  • Input: directory where the file is supposed to be

  • RES: always empty string

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

    dda_run: ${path}/to/project

Github Command

Manipulate Github repositories.

Github command (github) has many “subcommands”. Subcommands are part of the command input, see below.

  • Input: a string with a subcommand or a two item list, where the first item is a subcommand and the second item is a mapping that explicitly specifies parameters for the subcommand.

  • RES: if command succeeds, either a string with URL of manipulated repo or empty string is returned (depends on subcommand), else a string with problem description (it is already logged at WARNING level)

  • LRES: True if the Github operation succeeds, False otherwise

  • Example:

    github: create_repo
    - create_and_push
    - login: bkabrda
      reponame: devassistant
    github: push
    github: create_fork

Explanation of individual subcommands follows. Each subcommand takes defined arguments, whose default values are taken from global context. E.g. create_and_push takes an argument login. If it is not specified, assistant variable github is used.

Creates a repo with given reponame (defaults to var name) for a user with given login (defaults to var github). Optionally accepts private argument to create repo as private (defaults to var github_private).
Same as create_repo, but it also adds a proper git remote to repository in current working dir and pushes to Github.
Just does git push -u origin master, no arguments needed.
Creates a fork of repo at given repo_url (defaults ot var url) under user specified by login (defaults to var github).

Jinja2 Render Command

Render a Jinja2 template.

jinja_render, jinja_render_dir - render a single template or a directory containing more templates

  • Input: a mapping containing

    • template - a reference to file (or a directory if using jinja_render_dir) in files section
    • destination - directory where to place rendered template (or rendered directory)
    • data - a mapping of values used to render the template itself
    • overwrite (optional) - overwrite the file if it exists? (defaults to false)
    • output (optional) - specify a filename of the rendered template (see below for information on how the filename is costructed if not provided), not used with jinja_render_dir
  • RES: always success string

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

      template: *somefile
      destination: ${dest}/foo
      overwrite: yes
        foo: bar
        spam: spam
      template: *somedir
      destination: ${dest}/somedir
        foo: foo!
        spam: my_spam

The filename of the rendered template is created in this way (the first step is omitted with jinja_render_dir:

  • if output is provided, use that as the filename
  • else if name of the template endswith .tpl, strip .tpl and use it
  • else use the template name

For template syntax reference, see Jinja2 documentation.

Logging Commands

Log commands on various levels. Logging on ERROR or CRITICAL logs the message and then terminates the execution.

log_[d,i,w,e,c] (the letters stand for DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)

  • Input: a string, possibly containing variables and references to files

  • RES: the logged message (with expanded variables and files)

  • LRES: always True

  • Example:

    log_i: Hello $name!
    log_e: Yay, something has gone wrong, exiting.


If you start your log command with an apostrophe or a quotation mark, you must end the line with the same character, and it must not appear elsewhere on the line

SCL Command

Run subsection in SCL environment.

scl [args to scl command] (note: you must use the scriptlet name - usually enable - because it might vary)

  • Input: a subsection

  • RES: RES of the last command in the given section

  • LRES: LRES of the last command in the given section

  • Example:

    - scl enable python33 postgresql92:
      - cl_i: python --version
      - cl_i: pgsql --version

Note: currently, this command can’t be nested, e.g. you can’t run scl enable in another scl enable.

Running Commands as Another User

Run subsection as a different user (how this command runner does this is considered an implementation detail). as <username> (note: use as root, to run subsection under superuser)

  • Input: a subsection

  • RES: output of the whole subsection

  • LRES: LRES of the last command in the given section

  • Example:

    - as root:
      - cl: ls /root
    - as joe:
      - log_i~: $(echo "this is run as joe")

Note: This command invokes DevAssistant under another user and passes the whole section to it. This means some behaviour differences from e.g. scl command, where each command is run in current assistant. Most importantly, RES of this command is RES of all commands from given subsection.

Using Another Section

Runs a section specified by command input at this place.

use, call (these two do completely same, call is obsolete and will be removed in 0.9.0) This can be used to run:

  • another section of this assistant (e.g. use: self.run_foo)

  • section of superassistant (e.g. use: - searches all superassistants (parent of this, parent of the parent, etc.) and runs the first found section of given name

  • section from snippet (e.g. use: snippet_name.run_foo)

  • Input: a string with section name

  • RES: RES of the last command in the given section

  • LRES: LRES of the last command in the given section

  • Example:

    - use: self.run_foo
    - use:
    - use: a_snippet.run_spam

Normalizing User Input

Replace “weird characters” (whitespace, colons, equals...) by underscores and unicode chars by their ascii counterparts.

  • Input: a string

  • RES: a string with weird characters (e.g. brackets/braces, whitespace, etc) replaced by underscores

  • LRES: True

  • Example:

    - $dir~:
      - normalize: foo!@#$%^bar_ěšč
    - cl: mkdir $dir  # creates dir named foo______bar_esc

Setting up Project Directory

Creates a project directory (possibly with a directory containing it) and sets some global variables.

  • Input: a mapping of input options, see below

  • RES: path of project directory or a directory containing it, if create_topdir is False

  • LRES: always True, terminates DevAssistant if something goes wrong

  • Example:

    - $dir: foo/bar/baz
    - setup_project_dir:
        from: $dir
        create_topdir: normalized

Note: as a side effect, this command runner sets 3 global variables for you (their names can be altered by using arguments contdir_var, topdir_var and topdir_normalized_var):

  • contdir - the dir containing project directory (e.g. foo/bar in the example above)
  • topdir - the project directory (e.g. baz in the example above)
  • topdir_normalized - normalized name (by Normalizing User Input) of the project directory


  • from (required) - a string or a variable containing string with directory name (possibly a path)
  • create_topdir - one of True (default), False, normalized - if False, only creates the directory containing the project, not the project directory itself (e.g. it would create only foo/bar in example above, but not the baz directory); if True, it also creates the project directory itself; if normalized, it creates the project directory itself, but runs it’s name through Normalizing User Input first
  • contdir_var, topdir_var, topdir_normalized_var - names to which the global variables should be assigned to - note: you have to use variable names without dollar sign here
  • accept_path - either True (default) or False - if False, this will terminate DevAssistant if a path is provided
  • on_existing - one of fail (default), pass - if fail, this will terminate DevAssistant if directory specified by from already exists; if pass, nothing will happen; note, that this is always considered pass, if create_topdir is False (in which case the assistant is in full control and responsible for checking everything itself)